Web3 UX starter Pack

What is Web3? | Web3 Explained Hello Learner! These days it is quite normal to hear technical words like Web3, NFTs, and Metaverse, Let us consider a two-layered pyramid to be able to understand Web3 technology.  Level 1: “For beginners” On Web3, you can not only read and consume information from the web but can […]

Filza Manzoor

Web3 researcher
Date: Nov 04, 2022
Table Of Content

What is Web3? | Web3 Explained

Hello Learner! These days it is quite normal to hear technical words like Web3, NFTs, and Metaverse, Let us consider a two-layered pyramid to be able to understand Web3 technology. 

Level 1: “For beginners”

On Web3, you can not only read and consume information from the web but can also own your data. 

Level 2: “For Technical persons”

A new version of the internet known as Web3 hosts decentralized apps powered by blockchain technology. Where Web3 advocates highly value the users’ privacy and data ownership.

With Web3, ownership is divided among its creators and users rather than being controlled and owned by sizable portions of the internet.

On web3, everyone has equal access to engage and nobody is excluded because it is permissionless. For native payments, Web3 does not align with the conventional infrastructure of banks and payment processors and uses bitcoin for online purchases and payments.

Web3 runs without the use of reliable third parties; instead, it makes use of incentives and economic principles and keeps its core focus on a decentralized system.


For more detailed information on the Web3 explanation, you can always rely on Whiteboard Crypto and Simplilearn. Watch their videos of Web3 explanations to learn in less than 10 minutes:

What is Web 3.0 design? | Web2 vs. Web3

The question “If Web3 is based on different mechanisms and technology does it look different as well?” is the most frequently asked one. People have multiple assumptions about Web3 user interfaces, and this is all very common. So here is an example of a Web2 and Web3 User interface.

Web2 UIWeb3 UI

In conclusion, comparing the interfaces between web2 and web3, both of the websites have similar tech stacks and histories, but they take distinct approaches to problem-solving. 

The key difference is that Web 3.0 places more emphasis on producing content than Web 2.0 does on consuming and writing it (Semantic Web). The latter is significantly superior because it makes use of technology to improve cybersecurity while also facilitating information exchange among web users. 

Here we have filtered a quick list of blogs and videos that explain the design differences between the web2 vs web3 user-related design experiences. 

Is the Web3 Design process different?

Following is the curated list of resources to become a Web3 UX Designer. Firstly we will see the designing principles that are common for any technology UX designer. These principles help create a smooth yet secure design user experience. 

Another great resource is the following read: Web3 design principles it has intricate parts for any designer to dig in deep yet provides a cheat sheet to learn quickly. 

Moving forward having the basic ground knowledge of design principles, the designer must know the importance of research and its magic of audience building. User research, product research, and market research support the overall user experience to be smooth and desirable. 

UX Research for Web3

This is a complete guide to UX research for web 3.0 products and the research analysis process a video guide can be found here: How to conduct UX research analysis

Next, the user must focus on the User Experience mindset and further, the tools stack. 

Web3 UX mindset

To cater for the challenges, seeking differences, and unique points, the designers must develop a sustainable UX mindset. We have a perfect read for you Web3 mindset for UX designers. This article not only advances the psychology behind design thinking but also coaches the current trends involved in the design industry. 

For evolving from a traditional design to a web3 design one should give this article a read The three pillars of great UX design in Web3.

Web3 UI/UX Stack

A guided tour around the UX tools for building Web3 products contains all of the following listed factors and upon learner’s consistency. 

  • Theoretical knowledge support

It is purely driven by the courses, podcasts, social spaces, and series of Web3 design on-site classes. It can also be learnt from UX apprenticeships, technical groups and any source that may or may not be part of any official or authorized organizations. This points to certain Design hackathons, and mini-theoretical courses which support the basic concept of Web3 for designers. You can explore the following list to get an idea:

  • Helpful Online resources

The tech communities and groups play an important role in the design enhancement and smoothening the User experiences. These communities help each other lift, build personal branding, make stronger networks and create a world of niche-based opportunities. 

Web3 Rabbit Hole It is a library for anyone who wishes to learn about Web3 and develop their expertise in Web3 and Crypto should visit Web3 Rabbit Hole, a Notion resource collection that has been precisely designed for beginners.

Start Designing the Web3 products
1. Designing for crypto

It guides how to break down difficult cryptographic design scenarios and compares the web3 and crypto ecosystems in terms of UX patterns, user flows, and current issues.

2. Finity for Designing DAPPs

Finity is a web3 design tool created by Polygon using Cope.Studio for developing practical dApps, or decentralized applications. It can streamline design processes and assist dApps in producing appealing user interfaces and web3 ecosystem experiences.


Web3 Design Pioneers

Twitter profiles

Twitter communities

Discord groups

  • Reusable UI components

Reusability saves all the time in the world for anyone to progress. It makes any complex task 10 times easier. With the right UI components your effort, time and creativity can be utilized somewhere on the other aspect of the product.
Some of the reusable UI components can be found here Lightweight reusable Web3 UI components for DApps. Web3 designers would also love to explore options so here is a library of UI components ready to choose from StatusQ: a UI component library for Web3 applications and 9 Web Components UI Libraries You Should Know in 2021.

Not only will you find resources for options but also a guide on how to manage these reusable UI components at How to Manage Reusable UI Components.

  • Tool kits 

Talking about reusable UI components and time-saving methods, another way that exists is to use whole-themed UI kits. These kits offer themed design components which also save the decision-making stage to gathering colour wheels, icons, pixelated issues, typography etc. One of the best UI kits for Crypto wallets that comes with a wide widget library and 30+ screens, KRYPT – Crypto Wallet UI KIT.

Challenges in Web3 Mass Adoption (Use cases & barriers)

It is very unlikely for any system to be ideally perfect. The challenges in the world of web3 for mass adoption are some of the use cases and barriers discussed here: 

Here is the reason for failure and mistakes and how you can redefine them:

6 Bad UI Design Examples & Common Errors of UI Designers

How to Boost your UX with UI

One can definitely go for: 

How do I become a Web3 Design Expert?

  • Start with doing what you are truly passionate about. 
  • If it is designing, exploring the Web3 design or even polishing the web3 design as a traditional designer, you should familiarize yourself with Web3 concepts
  • Pull out the basic product research or UX research in general based on the ground knowledge of Web3 concepts. 
  • Start getting your hands dirty with Web3 applications (Check the maximum no. of Web3  applications there are)
  • Solve problems, Solve problems & Solve problems
  • Build case studies with thorough research and professionalism.
  • Get into the communities, involve with the focus groups, and network with Web3-driven groups, these connections not only lead to valuable resources but often get you an amazing career opportunity for a lifetime. 
  • Web3 design and development also have an edge unlike any trending technology, it has platforms called service DAOs that let on web3 gigs, tasks are done by a B2S (Buyer to Seller) model in regulation with decentralization.
  • Starting now you can make an account and grab some work from the Service DAOs. Listed below:
  • Building relationships with other designers and experts are as important as building relationships with the product
  • Focus on personal branding (Twitter/LinkedIn). Never let anyone eat up your credit for anything you did. Take ownership and credibility and promote yourself as a Web3 designer. This will automatically influence the nature of web3 being transparent and accountable for personal actions.  
  • One vision of web3 design in the future can be stated as the Metaverse. You can follow the links in order to learn more about Metaverse.

End Note:

This article is dedicated to all design enthusiasts who want to learn about Web3 in detail. It is curated by Web3 Design experts as a one-stop starter pack for anyone to get started as a web3 UX Designer. For any further query or relevant topic of interest, you may reach out to www.Expeditedesign.com

Article Authors

Filza Manzoor

Web3 researcher

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